Twenty five years ago this month I had my first interview for the company that I still work for today. The interview was pretty much as you would expect, with questions about my education and work experiences. Noting that I listed as hobbies that I play french horn and tennis, the interviewer asked me what these two hobbies say about Frank McPherson.

My answer was roughly as follows.

Playing french horn in a band shows my experience working with others, contributing my part towards playing a song well. As a singles tennis player I have shown an ability to work and compete individually. The two show that I excel both individually and in a team.

The interviewer was clearly impressed by my answer, he asked if I had been given that question before. I had not, this was my first interview ever for a real job, but I would not have been to provided it if it wasn't my sincere understanding of the value both played in my life.

So much is gained by those who have music education in high school. I went to college with some of the smartest people I have ever met, many who played in the various music ensembles at Michigan Tech. When you compare the actual costs of providing music education against the other extra curricular activities schools provide, it is a "no brainer" of which ought to be getting funding.

For me personally, my best friends and my best memories of high school and college are all tied to music. I haven't been on a tennis court in twenty years, but I still play my french horn at church whenever needed.

10/01/14; 05:03:53 PM

Last built: Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 5:40 PM

By Frank McPherson, Wednesday, October 1, 2014 at 5:03 PM.